Same day delivery
$9 + 2.0%
Same Day / Urgent Delivery
$3 + 1.9%
Next Day Delivery
For Clients with Sales under $1 million committed to Pacific Utility
Operating Minimum Charge for Clients with Sales under $1 million committed to Pacific Utility
Volume based charges 0.88% for Clients with sales between $1-25 million annual volume committed to Pacific Utility
Volume Only 0.55% for Clients with sales over $25m committed to Pacific Utility
Volume Based Charges 1.33% for Clients with Sales under $1 million committed to Pacific Utility
Operating Minimum Charge for Clients with sales between $1-25 million committed to Pacific Utility
Price per package (1-1000 per month)
Price per package (1000+ per month)
Set up Fee
Price Per Item (Fixed)
Price per mail
Price per SMS
*Email and SMS notification fees waived for any invoices that are cleared within 24 hours of issuance.
Bespoke report design per report
$10 / h
First 5 hours per month $10/hr
$25 / h
Additional hours/part hours $25/hr
Automated Reporting
Incomplete / Failed delivery / reissuance