Pacific Utility serves many utility, corporate and government departments in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific, through their offices in New Zealand, the Pacific, and Australia.
If you are based in New Zealand, Please contact us at
Pacific Utililty (Australia) does not deal directly with consumers, but we offer our corporate clients a convenient way to collect funds from their client base in real time where necessary, and can provide that service for individual invoice settlement, under certain circumstances, where urgent or high service scenarios arise. We are also trialing Payroll related services to select clients.
Please contact us first before using this form: it is for special cases only and we must have a copy of the invoice you are paying, and consent of the utility, before proceeding.
Emergency Use cases are:
On the behalf of our large network of utility company members, Thank you for using this service to automate and improve reconciliation of our clients' cash flows - and of course your speedy customer service too!