Sometimes, customers seem to find it hard to pay invoices, to keep the services they need going. Your cash-flow and reputation suffer. Keep consumers happy by offering the services they need to pay on time.
Join a large number of Pacific Utility Companies organising more efficient collections, via our market leading bank-lead online receivanes service, convenient phone contact centers, or network of helpful agent locations..
Alternatively - streamline your aged collections with true "what you see is what you get" invoicing services. Manage your inward collections with confidence with Pacific Utilities. Now serving Payroll Invoicing too!
Pacific Utilities Limited is a processing agency for bill collections and invoicing across more than 35 state owned, and private enterprise utility services in the Pacific.
Our dedicated team can help you meet your obligations - or help your business get paid faster, with lower overheads, and less uncertainty than traditional paper invoice
based processing.
We keep detailed and independent records and reconciliations of your bill payments, so you can be sure that you have credited or been credited, correctly, and on time.